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The black Portuguese millipede is a native of Portugal and was introduced to Australia. They are extremely common in Perth suburbs where they can reach plague proportions.
Portuguese millipedes reproduce in autumn and early winter. They lay most of their eggs in April and May and this explains why they appear so mobile and so abundant after the first rains. Mature females lay about 200 pinhead sized, yellowish white eggs in small holes made in soil.
While not considered a particular threat to human health, they may destroy food crops and infest houses. Portuguese millipedes may release a pungent and distasteful yellowish secretion which discourages predators, such as birds. Note: the secretion may stain skin or clothes and is extremely irritating if rubbed into the eyes.
Millipede treatments involve an initial assessment followed by the appropriate residual insecticidal treatment to external walls and treatment to the roof voids.
Successful control of Millipedes requires planning followed by an extensive and thorough treatment by a professional pest control company. To eradicate this persistent pest requires a close understanding of its biology, lifestyle and habits.
Pests Out WA has that expertise and years of practical field experience. We know exactly which products to use, when to use them and where.
Methods of treatment include:
Residual insecticidal spray treatment